Friday, March 8, 2019

Challenge: Write a poem (any style) starting with "This is love"

This is love.
Wait, this is love?
This is what has inspired so many poems and songs and movies?
Love looks very different from what I was expecting.

Love is a promise you keep breaking.
Love is keeping our relationship a secret because it’s more special that way.
Love is a hug that turns into suffocation because you’re too drunk to know that you’re hurting me.
Love is the anxiety of not knowing which version of you I’ll come home to.
Love is trying so hard to apologize in the right way so that you won’t keep ignoring me.
Love is understanding why you are the way you are and so I’ll keep forgiving you even though you won’t forgive me.
Love is controlling my decisions because you say you know what’s best for me.
Love is throwing me out to teach me a lesson.
Love is a hand that hits before it soothes.

Is this what love really looks like?
It must be, because you keep telling me,
“This is love.”

Friday, July 28, 2017

Three More Seconds

I'm drowning... which is strange, because I've always been a great swimmer. But it's difficult to tread hard enough to keep your head above the water when you're covered in weights.
I try to yell out so that someone can help pull me up, but with all these weights I'm sure to drag them down with me, and they know that as well as I do. Surviving would be a group effort, but that is far more difficult than it sounds.
There are a few that are actively yelling for help on my behalf. More that look on with concerned faces, but stay silent. And many who look away unfazed, because if you're going to swim with so many weights, you ought to be able to save yourself by now or else get what you deserve.
It seems I have two options: I can fight and wait until there are enough people willing to help that their strength ensures none of us go down, or I can give in to the weights and make sure I don't take anyone else down with me. I'll give myself three more seconds to decide.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Splinter Made of Light

Living is just as easy as dying,

Which is to say it isn't easy at all.

That bitch hope always gets in the way;

I wish she'd die and let me do the same.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Scar Tissue

Look at what I did to you
Forced inner scars to surface through
They couldn't see so we gave them proof
Now these scars must be hidden, too.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Transported: Part 3

Unexpected Accidents

One cold winter day when I was 9 years old I was in a bus accident. People always give me a slightly confused/slightly amused laugh when I tell them that. It's not that bus accidents are unheard of (or naturally funny), but I think perhaps since I grew up in such a small, safe little town, something like a bus accident is simply unexpected. Or maybe they laugh because we crashed into a garbage truck.

We were on our second to last stop, picking up Sarah P., on that cloudy morning. There must have been a sleet or ice storm earlier in the day because the roads were a lot slicker than usual, even for Wisconsin. We started to drive to our last stop, picking up a bit of speed, when a garbage truck ahead of us suddenly hit the brakes, and despite Lee's best efforts to stop, we slid into the back of the truck.

It's kind of a blur, what happened in that moment, which is probably due to the fact that I likely had a minor concussion. I remember after the initial impact throwing us forward I hit  the seat window with the right side of my head and it made a loud noise. And, yes, it hurt quite a bit. I actually cracked the window with my head! Then I became aware of the kids around me - some of the younger ones were crying, a few were trying to get people ready to use the emergency exit in the back, but most of us were just confused and slightly stunned. I noticed that the door flew off into a ditch, and for some reason I thought that was incredibly cool. Instead of checking if the people around me were okay, I instead found it more important to share this exciting observation with them. I had strange priorities as a kid.

We shuffled off the bus and went to a house in the neighborhood to wait while things got sorted out. Ambulances came and a few kids were taken to the hospital, as well as our driver. I should have gone too, seeing as I had a terrible headache from cracking the window, but I decided to keep that information to myself since I hated doctors (plus I didn't want to get in trouble for cracking the window).

We waited for far too long (in my impatient, 9 year old opinion) for the parents to arrive. All I remember from that time was being bored, the people who let us stay in their house being kind of cranky and smelly, and their afghan blanket. I don't know why, but that blanket just stuck out to me.

Most of the kids got to go home that day because they were traumatized, but not me. Noooo, I had to go to school. But I had a headache! I was traumatized, too! Everyone else got to go home! None of my reasons had any effect on my mother. She really didn't seem all that concerned that we had been in an accident and was more so irritated that she had to come pick me up and take me to school. Looking back, I probably should not have led with, "The door flew off into the ditch! It was so cool!" What can I say? I handle shock and trauma differently than most.

In the end, no one was badly injured, including our driver. I think there were a couple broken bones, some cuts and bruising, and of course my unofficial minor concussion, but thankfully there was nothing worse. It was a really strange accident that left me feeling a bit disoriented.

There have been a lot of accidents in my life. Some of them happy, some of them tragic, but most of them have been like this one was: disorienting, confusing...unexpected. These "it seems like a big deal when it happens but it's actually not that bad" situations pop up over and over again in my life. It's hard to remember that oftentimes these unexpected accidents won't turn my world upside down, at least not for long. They just appear abruptly and threaten the usual. They may cause bad headaches and disrupt your plans, but generally it's just a momentary inconvenience; a story that you'll tell down the road to get a small laugh.