Sunday, February 23, 2014

The plight of an ENFP

I never finish anything.
It's not that I don't want to, I-

I never finish anything.
I mean, technically, I have but that's not really what I'm-

I never finish anything.
Trust me, it's far more frustrating for me than it is for-

I never finish anything.
I do try, I really-

I never finish anything.
Maybe one day I will, I hope, but-

I never finish anything.
Not even thi-

Lunch Haikus

Left overs, pasta
Bowties, penne, red peppers
Needs more seasoning

Carrots and dill dip
Make eating healthy easy
For lactose lovers

Chocolate bridge mix
But without the playing cards
We played in my mind

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sometimes I Question Your Intellect

I wrote you a letter today.
I confessed to things you wouldn't dream of.
I turned myself in for many crimes.
Then I realized that I had made a mistake-
I could easily continue to fool you
Just as easily as I can fool myself.
So I hit the backspace for approximately seven minutes,
And this is all that is left.
Which is why you should always use a pen and paper when you want to write a letter.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


I fell into the void
The middle of two extremes
Knowing both
Wanting neither
It's a strange place to be
It's rather lonely here
It's the happiest I've ever been

A Disturbing Lack of Punctuation

I don't think I will say goodbye
I’d rather sit and wait in silence.
I think the nuances of my face are better at explaining
are better at detailing
are better, even, at evading
the question
the expression
the emotion
We lack the words we so desperately need
language has so many limitations
so many complications
Communication is a tricky thing
I don’t think I will say goodbye
I’d rather sit and wait in silence.